
The Babylon Town Hotel offers 30 rooms so most of our guests can stay at the location with us.

You will receive more info on your room ahead of arrival.

Accommodation Costs

The cost for accommodation is 60€ per night, per person. In case you already have a different accommodation, please let us know in the survey.

Otherwise we kindly ask you to send the amount for the accommodation to the account below - we are handling the payment with the venue directly.

Account Informations:
NAME: Martin Winterholler
IBAN: DE36 1203 0000 1066 3471 60
REFERENCE: {Name} Babylon Town

Extended Stays

If you would like to come earlier or stay longer, please book with the location directly via their website, here.

RSVP: Please inform us by February 18th, 2024 whether you will attend the event or not.
Fill out a short survey by clicking here.